Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Almost there...

I've been trying to comment on a few of your blogs but it won't seem to let me. At the end of each post is a big white box that says "post a comment" above it but it won't let me click into it. I've been fiddling around with it all morning and I am signed in but I can't seem to find the problem. Any one willing to give me any insight?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The World and the Digital

Digital World History: An Agenda

    When I read the title of this article, I assumed straight away that it would not suit me as I have never been too interested in general world history. That is exactly why I chose to read and blog about it, if I am not willing to broaden my focus now then I never will be. Manning even says in the article that the problem with world history is that is too unfamiliar to most historians as institutional training tends to focus on national and area specific study. I cannot argue with that, since first year Arts we were given the choice of which modules we could take, the majority of them focused on different aspects of Irish history while the rest of the world was broken into genreal courses. I do no see this as a negative though, I'm sure institutions in other countries operate in a similar manner, to each his own.

    The structure of this essay is simple; Manning makes general points about the study of world history, then general points about digital processes and techniques and finally links to two together by explaining the benefits, potential and advantages which the two combined can have.

    One of the points about world History which Manning emphasizes is that it is multi-dimensional because it involves the assembly and interpretation of diverse knowledge which spans all ages and time periods. He then goes on to say that because this is all brought together in a "grand approach" that it does not fit well with the structure of digital history because it is changable and often subdivided. I do not think this is a fair conclusion to make so early in his arguement. From what I know about digital history, I think its application to world history would be a great success. The opinion I formed before reading the advantages outlined in this article, was that digital history would change the format of world history for the better. Who is to say that world history has to be a grand single narrative? Techniques such as hyperlinking would allow individual histories and diverse opinions to be drawn together to create a narrative that is beyond universal, one that is all inclusive.

    The example Manning uses to explain the integration of digital methods in historical research is his examination of the African slave trade demography figures and how he used software techniques for calculations etc. Interesting enough as this was, I felt it was slightly irrelevant because it is now obvious to us that calculations, stimulations and the manipulation of figures or data is all easier with the help of digital technology.

    The totality of the past is impossible, we must choose a means of simplification which best suits our purposes. I found this to be the best part of the article because although we all subconciously choose the structure of our work, we may not really be aware of what we are really doing. He subsequently explains three main approaches to writing history; chronology, linear narrative and multi-dimensional narrative. Digital or not, I think that these approaches can be applied to any historical research topic and that it will be easier for both the historian and the reader to work through if we could just decide which method we intend to use and then try to adhere to it. What is even more helpful is that he then outlines the problems encountered with each method of "simplification" or narrative; scale, persective, balance and centrality. The last one is particularly interesting as too often when we are presenting our research on one particular event or person we tend to over exaggerate their role. It is therefore important we acknowlodge their actual place within the grand narrative, whether it was really a central role or not.

    The benefits of using digital tools in world history are the same as in any other field; enhancing, storing data, retrieving data, translations, approximations, animations etc.. However, there are some characteristics of digital technology and world history which fit together like a jigsaw; both reach an expanded audience, both are interactive, both are open to variations in approach and in progression through either, choices and decisions must be made regarding which pathways to follow. As I stated earlier, it is all about the multi-dimensional structure which in the beginning Manning thought was a negative and an obstacle in the combination of the two. In the course of this short essay he seems to have completely changed his mind, this shows just how easy it is to become part of the digital world. Come over to the dark side, not only do you want to, but you have to.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Mapping History

Mapping Freedom

Better late than never: Engaging with Theory

Writing A Digital History Journal Article from Scratch: An Account

Monday, December 6, 2010

Learning to Teach

               My original research topic was, as you may know, Gangland Limerick in the Media. I had a little research done and a few sources lined up, but was worried that the end product would be more sociological than historical. I had the same problem when I covered a similar topic for my final year dissertation, so after discussing it with Finola Doyle-O'Neill, we both decided a change was needed. I settled on the Limerick Leader as a starting point as not a lot of research has been carried out on the publication. It is my intention that the compilation of my research will not read like a mundane chronolgoical history, but rather it will provide a new perspective on the newpaper, it's place in society and what it has done for Journalism in Limerick and for the city itself.

               I am aware that teaching this subject may be difficult, for undergrads they might not see the relevance in learning about a Limerick based newspaper if they have no association with the area. For this reason, I think it best that this subject would be taught as a case study. In this format I could present my research on The Limerick Leader as an example of a local newspaper, and the students could then use what they have learned to research their own local newspapers or even other media outlets.

Aim of Module
  • To show students the relevance of popular local press in society and its importance as a legitimate historical source.

Module Content/Areas of Research
  •  A brief historical accounnt of the Limerick Leader.
  • Understanding why this paper and other local publications are worthy of research.
  • The Leader in society.
  • Breaking Stories and their effects.
  • Battling against Limericks negative reputation in the media.
  • Journalism and reporting - The leader as a stepping stone? A look at Fergal Keane.
  • The successes and failures of the leader from 1889 to present.

Presentation and Teaching
  • Teaching oints of my research in a classroom that can act as a foundation for multiple class discussion on various topics.
  • Case Study Format - Using the example of a specific outlet to teach skills and methods that can be applied to other research topics.
  • Engagement with primary sources - Limerick Leader articles that are available in UL library and online.
  • Using powerpoint and presentations as opposed to mundane lecturing.
  • Involvement of guest speakers - faculty from The Limerick Leader.

Learning Outcomes

Students should be able to:
  • Engage with primary sources.
  • Show interview and research skills.
  • Apply skills to other media outlets.
  • Participate in gropu discussion.
  • Understand and Evaluate the importance of regional press.

  • MCQ quiz, small percentage, based on central important facts specifically concerning the Limerick Leader.
  • Class attendance and participation.
  • A choice of essay questions based specifically on the Limerick Leader.
  • A choice of general essay questions that can be answered based on what has been learned in class.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Art of Learning

               This week, our discussion basically comes down to how we learn. In class, we talked about  Personal Learning Environment (PLE) and Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) which at first glance one might think are the same thing, knowlege and learning...they're all the same, right? When I consider these theories in more detail it turns out they are actually two very different things but they are closely linked. I'd like to define them separately so that anyone reading will be better able to understand what I am rambling on about, and also so that i don't confuse myself in the process. For me, PLE is literally how we learn things; how we study, how we remember facts, how we engage with them and we put them to use. PKM on the otherhand is learning in a broader sense, how we bring everything we have learned and need to learn together in one place and in a way that caters for our individual needs.

               I think that our Personal Learning Environment changes over time as our capabilites improve and what is excpected of us develops. In secondary school the teachers always asked us were we doing any "study". Study in this sense ment acting like a sponge absorbing everyting from 7 or 8 huge books and regurgitating it in 7 or 8 different exams. Honestly, during the year of the Leaving Cert I cant remember doing any study that wasn't a necessity because of a class test or something along those lines. If I did study, I mite be walking around the house with a book or hanging upside down on the bed with the music blaring. I really didn't put in a whole pile of effort when I think back on it. My method was to predict the questions and study the answers, usually at the last minute and using little scribbles, ryhmes and keywords to help me remember. The teachers were fine with this, our entire honours English class went into the exam with Sylvia Plath as our only option in the poetry section because our teacher was convinced she would be on the paper. Thank God she was, an we all rattled our prepared essays into the answer books merely changing words here and there so it sounded like we were answering the question.

               My undergraduate degree was an extention of this type of learning but with a lot more effort and for the first time, a little engagement with the topics. When writing assignments in first year, the aim was to answer the question being asked. Your own opinions were important but not if you couldn't back them up with the work of real academics. Personally I thought we were better off keeping in mind who was correcting the papers, best not to tread on any toes when you're new to the university environment. Exams will always be the same, especially when studying humanities. You're given a question and you give a long winded answer based on what you can remember on the day. The only thing that I noticed was really giving us a chance to develop our learning and our learning environment were the essays and assignments given to us in final year. It's probably a terrible and extremely immature analogy but the longer the word count, the more opinion and effort expected. Our history dissertation helped us to understand and engage with independent research, if we hadn't done that, we would really be thrown into the deep end trying to complete masters research.

               If I could describe my personal learning environment in one word it would be "pressure". Back in my school days I left everything until the last minute and I must admit that I still do. It's not because I'm lazy, I think it's because I work best under pressure. I have started 4000 word essays at 10pm the night before a deadline and gotten on more than ok. Granted the room would be akin to that of a maniac by the time I'm finished; spider diagrams stuck up all over the wall and multiple piles of paper or books all over the floor. I spend more time on the reading than the writing, I'm not saying it's healthy, but it is what works for me most of the time. It looks like mess but I know where everything is. Then I'll hand in the finished product and get feedback from whoever has corrected it. If it is a presentation to my peers, I'll try to make sure it is accessible and that we are all on the same level and of course, take any of their comments on board. The best way to learn is from other people.

                In relation to Personal Knowledge Management, mine is extremely simplistic. I make "to do" lists of assignments, their due dates, meetings with peers and supervisors and any recommeneded or additional reading that might be of interest. I've never used the many Google apps that are available; calendar, search alerts, tasks, blog. My computer is a liability, I can never predict when it will turn itself off, and the administrators in the Boole won't let me install radom apps on computers that aren't mine! Hopefully after Christmas that will change, if the recession hasn't hit santa that is! I regurlarly use Jstor and other online arcives and find them to be a great help, and I will definately be adding Google Scholar to my searches. Filtering out the random and unreliable hits that search engines often throw out is a great help to my research, and I'll sign up for email alerts as soon as I finalised what it is I'm researching as I am currntly in the process of changing topics. As for facebook and twitter, I would never have thought of using them as academic sources if we hadn't discussed them in class. Everyone I know uses them to keep in touch and to share pictures and not much else. Although I must admit that the first place I heard about the notorious bail out was on a "like page" that said RIP Ireland's Independence 1916-2010. I bet all the History students laughed at the inaccuracy.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Text Analysis

               Not too sure what we were meant to write our blog in relation to this week, but judging by everyone elses posts and what we were doing in class last week, I would think that text analysis is a safe bet! I used Martin Luther King Jr's I Have A Dream speech because I figured it would be interesting to see just how frequently he utteres that symbolic sentence. The speech from August 1963 is about five minutes long,  both videos and transcripts are easily available.

               First I ran the text through TAPoR which was useful for getting the specific figures and statistics about the most common used words the epic speech.

dream 11
nation 10
come 10
today 9
satisfied 8
able 8
american 7
justice 7
men 6
long 6
time 6
white 6
children 5
great 5
america 5
free 5
new 5

Thankfully the text analysis software allows for the use of words like "a" and "the" and so on, so it's really just the specific words that are frequent and therefore important to a specific speech that are given in the results. "Dream" appears sixth in the list which is relatively high up considering there are 1920 words in the whole speech including the so called "stop" words. I however tought that it would have been the most frequently used word, listyening to the speech in the past it seemed to me that every second sentence was "I Have a Dream". Other popular words, as you can see from the graphics above, are "negro", "nation" and "American" but the word used most, 21 times to be exact, is "freedom" which isn't really surprising considering that freedom is the central topic of the speech.

               With a bit of time to spare I used the same text in Wordle. It didn't have as many options for text analysis as TAPoR did (ie there wasn't as much fiddling around to be done) as this software is solely for making word clouds. I figured Id give it a go anyway, make a pretty picture out of one of the most famous speeches in history!

<a href=""
          title="Wordle: i have a dream"><img
          alt="Wordle: i have a dream"
          style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd"></a>

               The html code above doesn't seem to be working so hopefully you will be able to view my word cloud here.