Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Hello! My name is Emma, I’m 20 and I hail from West Limerick. When doing my BA, I fell in love with UCC and Cork, so I had to come back and do my Masters in Historical Research here in the People’s Republic! My undergrad Dissertation was on the history and effect of gangland violence in Limerick city. I chose the topic because it is relatively unexplored in the academic field and the issue is close to home because we Limerick people are always being stereotyped. This year for my MA thesis I hope to continue with this topic but with more emphasis on the relationship between the conflict in Limerick and the media attention it attracts. My central focus will be; does the media really help to uncover the criminal underworld or is it just glorifying the lives of criminals by making them front page news.  Hopefully I’ll be able to stick with it and won’t step on too many toes! Anyway, that’s pretty much it so....bye!!